Hello! ¡Hola! Ciao!


We're a small, distributed, international team of game developers (from Europe). Brought together by our love of everything game-related.


Starry Sky! A small, tasty morsel of a puzzle game. The objective is simple: Place the shapes to clear the level!


One thing we all agree on is that we will only create games that we ourselves want to play. When we brainstormed our first games the keywords we started with were: "relax", "puzzle" and "somethingsmallsowecanlearnhowtoworktogether".

Development history:

Originally we wanted a "one-handed" experience, you controlled the game entirely with the keyboard. We moved away from this for two reasons:

  • It wasn't as fun as using the mouse
  • It wasn't as easy to understand as using the mouse

The shift to a black & white graphical style came after an informal review session where we all talked about how we could improve the art-style. We ended up with a long list of minor improvements, many which contracted each other.

It wasn't elegant, it wasn't what we needed, it had to change. We went for black & white to achieve a more minimalist and less distracting feeling.

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